TO WHOM: for teams, groups, teams that want to strengthen their connections, unite, inspire, celebrate.

HOW: Organizes a contact event or zoom conversation format that includes video reports, montages, interviews, creative improvisations, and integrated team building practices – i.e. activities that have an integral (unifying) basis.

! During pandemic – only virtual format.

HOW MANY: number of participants depends on the technical possibilities. Communication with the whole audience and also dividing it into groups.

DURATION: 90 – 180 min.:

5 min: INTRO: introduction of presenters, program announcement
10 min: warm up
(music, game, etc.)
10 min: video report 1
10 min: creative – unifying task
20 min: task execution in groups
20 min: presentations of groups
5 min: music
20 min: general refle

THE RESULT: new impressions, renewed and new connections, a warm sense of togetherness.