Our field of activity: application of unifying interaction to problem solving, mutual communication and education

We rely on: theories of evolution, system theories, the laws of communication

The main tool: integral circle

principles of integral society

The world we live in is a huge, amazing and complex system. Each part of it is connected and dependent on all the other parts. Yet our perception of reality is not yet integral, it is still divided into separate and distinct parts.

Integral approach describes the world as fully interconnected. This is the basis of the integrated approach that defines our educational direction. Under this method, it is not worthwhile to study individual topics in a “linear” way. The existence of all the elements of reality is “circular,” so it is the circle that reflects the interrelationship of all the elements with each other and all together..

Our interdependence and full responsibility are essential conditions for building a healthy environment and the society of the future. An integral organism suffers if its cells do not function harmoniously. No ecosystem will be complete if at least one element of it is removed. The methodology of educating an inclusive society is one of the most promising tools for solving the new global challenges facing humanity today..

The methodology of an integrated society uses all channels of communication for the education of the human future and offers an alternative approach to the links between human development, the evolution of society and these processes.

more: https://www.iwri.net/

  • The environment creates man.
  • We learn from nature because we are part of it.
  • Our lives are purposeful.
  • The ability to connect with one another is essential for a valuable human life.
  • Children learn only from examples.
  • The game engages and retains attention.
  • Formal education must make an impression, on the basis of which further learning takes place.
  • Everyone has to play his role in society.

integral circle method

THE OBJECTIVE OF THE INTEGRAL CIRCLE (IC) – is to reach the maximum possible level of agreement / unification at which solutions to problems are born quickly and easily. These decisions stem from different, often even contradictory approaches when the circle manages to rise above individual differences. Usually, people quickly understand the effects of IC and no longer want to go back to the old “dispute communication”. True, although the rules seem simple and audible at first, in practice it is not very easy to follow them all, so we recommend the help of our moderators for the first few. When you feel that you can practice IC on your own, you will see how it is a universal and effective communication tool, suitable for a wide variety of environments – families, between friends, colleagues or peers, and so on.


  • in every circle – from 5 to 10 participants;;
  • the topic / problem of the discussion is clear and relevant to all participants;
  • everyone gets to know and agrees to follow the rules of IC.


  •  to help create and maintain the necessary atmosphere;
  •  not to deviate from the topic and ensure that all IC rules are followed.


1. ALL EQUAL: there are no major or minor in the circle. All participants are equally important.

2. ONE TOPIC: we stick to one agreed topic discussed in advance – until we find the solution we are looking for.

3. EVERYONE SPEAKS – about 1 min.: in this way, everyone contributes to the future co-decision.

4. ACTIVE LISTENING: we listen very carefully to all participants so that we do not start a new thought while speaking, but organically take over and extend the thoughts expressed before, as if we are weaving together a common bundle of suggestions.

5. WE DO NOT ASK, DO NOT CRITICIZE, DO NOT REPLY! We try not to stop the circle or change its direction with our questions and remarks – we only fill in the thoughts of others with our suggestions.

“We can’t solve problems by using the same kind of thinking we used when we created them.”

6. CENTER OF THE CIRCLE: we do not approach or talk to anyone – we form a common center of the circle.

7. AUTHENTIC EXPERIENCE: we speak only from experience, specifically and only what we feel or know well, do not rely on any authority, most importantly – authentic experience.

8. POSITIVE ATTITUDE: during the round we focus only on the most beneficial solution for all participants, if necessary, overcoming personal hostility.

9. UNCONDITIONAL SUPPORT: we support absolutely all participants in good faith and sincerity – even if it seems that a colleague is clearly mistaken.

10. IS THERE A COMMON SOLUTION? By turning one circle under all these rules, we should be close to a common solution. If not – we turn another circle and take even more care of all the requirements.

Short and fun video about the integral rules – how young people see and understand them!

towards increasing integration

Evolution is a purposeful process leading to increasing integration.

Every evolutionary step towards greater integration is driven by a crisis, after which existence moves to a new qualitative level.

Human evolution is the evolution of social relations leading to the creation of the human superorganism, a qualitatively new level of existence.

The transition to this new level must take place consciously, through the multifaceted process of involving all humanity. This process must take place gradually, in the form of education.

evoliution = social revolution

What separates humans from all other living beings in nature?

We feel our presence.

We have the “power of the mind”.

systemic integration –
through crises

A crisis is needed for the system to grow into a more complex and integrated, and therefore more advanced state of existence. One of the main laws shaping evolution is the law of entropy, which states that any closed system transitions from an ordered to a disordered state of existence over time.

All of this existence is within this space-time continuum – from an absolutely ordered state (singularity point, big bang) to absolute entropy (thermal death, big freeze, big rupture) – as well as within its laws, including the law of entropy. Existence develops in the form of an open system that is able to reduce internal entropy by increasing entropy in its environment (the system of which it is a part). Meaning, existence is an “escape” from entropy, gradually increasing integration between its elements (subsystems) and processes.

In order to “avoid” entropy, existence must turn into qualitatively different forms that allow the so-called stability to be kept away from equilibrium (equilibrium is the state of maximum entropy). In order to “jump” into a qualitatively new form of existence, a certain crisis is required, known in systemic language as the “bifurcation point” – the point at which the system must “decide” or acquire a more advanced form capable of maintaining stability out of equilibrium to a less optimal form of existence (by conflicting or dissipating energy).

The described process evolves through a series of overlapping actions::

  • An open system (creation) existing in the environment as a part of it constantly increases both the external pressure of matter / energy / information and the internal pressure necessary for its existence (absorption, digestion, transformation, preservation).
  • This creates turbulence in the structure of the system, which begins to “look” for new ways of reorganization at the current level of existence. Such a change in the system is usually related to the increased possibilities of connecting the elements and processes of the system.
  • Increasing connectivity in the system creates more needs (material / energy / information) from the environment. This intensifies the turbulence in the structure of the system, which at the same time requires more interconnection – until the system reaches the “point of no return” – i.e. when its structure merges with the point where it will begin to function as a closed system, where all attempts to “escape” entropy at the current level of existence will be in vain.
  • In this state, any behavior of the system inevitably leads to a point of bifurcation where an infinitesimal interference is sufficient for the system to push into a qualitatively different form of existence, that is (if the change is successful) will be more complex, i.e. more integrated and therefore requiring more matter / energy / information to maintain its level of existence.

disclosure of systemic integrity

Evolution is commonly seen as an uncontrolled, “blind” process of species diversity and natural selection. This view is determined by the perspective of evolution as a mechanism.

If we were to view all reality as a system (or systems) and look at evolution from a systemic perspective, we could describe it as a purposefully intensifying process of integration of all forms of existence (matter, energy, and information).

This gradual integration is reflected in three main features of the system of creation:

  • increasing ability to manipulate / store matter / energy / information (in order to survive the system must evolve to facilitate access to the growing influx of matter / energy / information from the environment);
  • increasing connections in the system due to the need to constantly stabilize the structure of the system (constantly increasing environmental and internal pressures caused by the evolving ability to manipulate / save materials / energy / information);
  • the increasing complexity of the system (emerging qualitatively new forms / levels of existence that require a higher demand for matter / energy / information from the environment in order to maintain its existence).

This process will continue until all existence merges into an integral system.

Thus, elementary particles accumulate into atoms, these – into molecules that also accumulate to form macromolecules, these bind to simple cells, and these – to complex cells, i.e. forms organs, these – organisms, etc. – until they reach conscious organisms (humans), which also connect through a specific social relationship – to a global superorganism (at the level of consciousness – a kind of “global brain”).